And for a moment it was deeper than a feeling
And for a moment it was more like a knowing
And for a moment it was a circle completing
A healing
A disembodied kneeling on a purple eveningDISEMBODIED KNEELINGS
Selected Poetry By Baraka Blue

I never had much interest in poetry until I read Rumi. Shakespeare seemed too formal and foreign, others seemed too dry, pompous, or formulaic. Hip hop was life, essence, breath . . . raw, reality, struggle, energy. Not concerned with the conformities of grammar but more concerned with
expressing the depth of an emotion or the intensity of a feeling.
But it wasn’t until I read Mevlana Jalalu’ddin Rumi that I heard someone express the deepest feeling and the deepest emotion that a human being can ever feel and thus, can ever attempt to express; the yearning for the Divine Source . . .
TO READ MORE, purchase Baraka Blue's poetry book & support the arts:
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